I Rocked the Mashup and more....


I had a nice week, I Rocked the Mashup at http://www.fridaymashup.com/
( I loved Antonia's shaker frame and ombre coloring! The little pops of yellow are the perfect touch!)


And the challenge winner at http://alwaysplayingwithpaper.blogspot.nl/
(I love the umbrella's and they are such a sweet background on this card! I think Antonia used the colours perfectly!)


Colour Connoisseur at http://colourmecardchallenge.blogspot.nl/
(Antonia's shaker was a standout to me! So much whimsy and charm!)


And my pregnant gift box is published in the magazine Cards & Scrap No. 20.
It's nice to be able to share my little creations with my creative friends.

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